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How can I prepare for divorce mediation?

On Behalf of | Feb 22, 2022 | Mediation

Choosing to go through mediation to settle your divorce may benefit you by giving you a lower-stress method of resolving your differences with your spouse and at a lower cost than if you had to go to court. If the concept of mediation is new to you, you might help yourself by preparing to interact with your mediator prior to your session.

Unlike a judge, a mediator is someone who facilitates discussions between spouses without imposing a solution. Since dialogue is an important part of mediation, consider how you will communicate with your mediator and your spouse at different stages of the process.

Be ready to speak

FindLaw points out that part of the duty of a mediator is to give each party time to speak without interruption. So you will have various opportunities to make your case. Your time prior to your mediation is a good time to do your homework and think about your arguments. Since you have greater control over the outcome, you should feel less anxious about the process. This should help you think through your arguments clearly and rationally.

Be ready to answer questions

Rehearsing what you will say in mediation is important because your mediator may ask you to explain a point you have made or restate it in a clearer manner. Do not just plan on reciting a monologue in the belief that it will be sufficient. You will probably have to answer questions at different points during the mediation.

Be ready to ask questions yourself

Since your mediator is a neutral third party, your mediator cannot act as your legal counsel. However, you can still ask your mediator different questions about how the legal system may view your case. Mediators can also explain how a judge or an attorney may look at specific family law issues. Additionally, a mediator may describe possible solutions to issues, although the final decisions remain with you and your spouse.

Basically, divorce mediation opens the way for you to have more control over the final settlement. Being able to interact with your mediator may be one of the keys to a fruitful outcome.