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How should you address non-payment of child support?

On Behalf of | Sep 22, 2023 | Child Custody, Child Support

Child support is a legal obligation that ensures both parents contribute to the financial well-being of their children. When one parent fails to meet this obligation, it can lead to financial stress and hardship for the custodial parent and the child.

In such situations, you must take action to enforce child support payments and maintain financial stability.

Communicate openly

The first step in addressing non-payment of child support is open communication. Talk to the non-paying parent to discuss the importance of child support and try to understand their reasoning. It is possible to resolve misunderstandings or financial difficulties through a straightforward conversation.

Document everything

Keeping records is beneficial when dealing with child support issues. Maintain a detailed record of all communication related to child support, including text messages, emails and phone calls. Document the dates, times and content of these conversations as evidence if you need to take further steps.

Modify the agreement

If the non-payment is due to a change in circumstances, such as a job loss or a decrease in income, consider modifying the child support agreement. A modified agreement can be more realistic for the non-paying parent and help avoid further legal complications.

Consider garnishment

In some cases, you may explore wage garnishment as a means of ensuring child support payment. This legal process allows child support to be automatically deducted from the non-paying parent’s paycheck, ensuring regular payments.

According to CBS News, over 30% of support funds fail to make it to custodial parents in the U.S. Even after divorce, both parents must commit to supporting their child financially. And when support payments do not arrive, the custodial parent must understand their options to solve the issue.