Divorce & Family Law Attorneys

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Why collaborative divorce often costs less

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2022 | Divorce

Adjusting to life on your own after a Florida divorce takes time, but you may find that the process is easier if you are not feeling overwhelmed with the financial side of things. There are many steps you might take to reduce any financial strain you might feel as the result of a divorce, and one such step involves considering a collaborative divorce.

Per U.S. News and World Report, collaborative divorce, or uncontested divorce, allows you and your ex to sort through the same matters you would in a traditional, litigated divorce, but in a setting outside of the courtroom. There are several key reasons a collaborative divorce often costs much less than a courtroom one.

Collaborative divorce means less attorney time

When you litigate your divorce, you and your ex each have to finance your own attorneys. If you have lots to sort through, this alone may cost a hefty sum, and you have not yet factored in court costs, wardrobe expenditures and similar expenses. While you still typically need attorneys in a collaborative divorce, you may rely on them much less, translating to lower bills.

Collaborative divorce means less animosity

If you and your ex are both willing to try collaborative divorce, this is a good indication that successful cooperation may be in your future. The sooner you and your former partner come to terms about custody arrangements, spousal support terms and so on, the more each of you should ultimately save.

While collaborative divorce may not be right for everyone, former couples who do end their marriages through this method may find that they have more money to put toward new housing and other post-divorce expenses in the aftermath.