Divorce & Family Law Attorneys

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Time-sharing and unpaid child support

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2022 | Divorce

If you are thinking about getting divorced as a parent, or you already ended your marriage and you share parental responsibilities with your child’s other parent, it is critical to familiarize yourself with legal topics that are relevant to your circumstances. For example, you should understand your parental rights as well as your obligations, whether you have to pay child support or ensure that you cooperate with the terms of a time-sharing schedule.

Whether you are a custodial or non-custodial parent, you could have questions about back child support and whether this affects time-sharing schedules.

Back child support and parental rights

The Florida Senate states that parents who are supposed to receive child support or alimony must continue to follow the terms of a time-sharing schedule even if the other party fails to make payments. If you fail to respect the terms of a time-sharing schedule, you could face serious consequences, regardless of whether you are owed back support or your child’s other parent stays current.

In addition, you should recognize your rights if you have fallen behind on child support and your child’s other parent is violating the terms of a time-sharing schedule.

Time-sharing violations and child support obligations

It is also essential to note that even if a custodial parent refuses to respect the parenting rights of the non-custodial parent, the non-custodial party must continue to pay child support. If you fail to pay the child support you owe, you could face serious repercussions, even if your child’s other parent is refusing to let you see your child in accordance with a court order.