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Can parallel parenting work for you?

On Behalf of | May 12, 2022 | Child Custody, Child Support

Going through a divorce is difficult for everyone involved, including your children. Of course, as parents, you want what is best for your child even during such times.

But how do you succeed in providing them with the support and security they need? Parallel parenting may provide some of the answers.

How does parallel parenting work?

Psychology Today examines the system of parallel parenting and how it may assist parents who want to provide their children with more stability in life after divorce.

Parallel parenting is a system of co-parenting that allows both parents to interact with their child in a full and free way. At the same time, it limits the contact between co-parents, preventing you from having direct communication with one another if it does not involve written word.

In short, you cannot have in-person meetings, nor can you call one another or have video meetings. Instead, you must communicate solely through writing. You can choose whatever method of writing you prefer, such as through text messages, emails or even handwritten letters.

The ultimate intention

The intention of this system is to allow both of you to have equal participation and presence in your child’s life. At the same time, it keeps you from having to interact with one another directly. This allows for time and space in order to heal somewhat from the split. It also potentially helps cut down on the possibility of arguments, as you have to think through what you say before you write it down.

This is a temporary form of custody, though. The court will periodically check back in to determine whether or not it is time to graduate to a different form of parenting.